Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Explore and Play!

What a great day! Today Room 25 joined in our fun. We explored, created, investigated and imagined! 
Here are some of our stories from today...

Potions and lakes - The sandpit was a great place to be today. Children were creating potions to make things big, medicine to cure what ails you, cupcakes, pizza and a huge lake. There were lots of children working together showing great team work and co-operation. Check out the videos!

Obstacle course - Today some of the boys created an obstacle course outside using the chalk. They drew a track with different symbols and directions which we had to complete to get to the end. They challenged Mrs Martin to a run through and some of the other children also had a go.

Spinosaurus and poppies - Mrs Fulford made two lots of playdough for us today. One was blue and one was red. Both smelt delicious as she added a little bit of vanilla essence to her recipe. The playdough was very popular. There were faces, poppies, cars and even a spinosaurus! 

Painting - today Mrs Martin got the paint out for the children. It was such a popular place to be she even had to add another table and extend the space. The children painted all sort of things including some pictures they were not to sure of what they actually were. Mrs Fulford thought they were the best kind - the kind that show your imagination in action! Leeroy painted an island with poppies for the soldiers (we are learning about ANZAC day) His island also had some small blue circles. Mrs Fulford was quite intrigued by these and asked Leeroy about them. He said the blue circles were little holes made by worms in the ground. The holes had filled up with water and made tiny little puddles! What an imagination!

Art and crafts - Wow - what fun the children at this activity had. They made toys, kites and all sorts of creations with the art and craft equipment. Mrs Fulford noticed how focused Leeroy was while drawing today. He created a beautiful picture about a video game character which was on level 10 of the game. The hardest one! Nui made some cool creations and was very excited about what he created.

Speed! - Room 25 boys were quite delighted about the cars today. Cabel took them out on to the playground and showed them how to race their cars down the slide and in the cylinder shaped tunnel. Mrs Martin heard the boys discussing how fast their cars were going. Anton wondered if he could go as fast down the slide as his car. Suddenly all the boys were racing themselves and their cars in an effort to see who was fastest! Who do you think won?

Wind direction - Mrs Fulford noticed Quanitah and Starlite on the playground flying their paper aeroplanes. Sometimes the girls planes flew really well and other times they fell almost straight to the ground. Mrs Fulford asked the girls what they thought was causing this...it was the wind! It was coming from one direction so every time they flew that way the planes stopped short. (It was a bit windy today) Mrs Fulford showed the girls the finger trick to check the direction of the wind (suck your finger then put it straight up into the air. Which ever side gets dry first that is where the wind is coming from) The girls worked out it was coming from the oak tree direction so they faced the field. The aeroplanes flew very high and super far!

It was so cool having Room 25 with us today. We got to share exploring with them, play with old friends and make new ones.  What a great day! We are going to share our exploring with them every week now!

Here is an extra video of Dayton practising his swinging.

Saturday, 27 April 2019

Exploring time with Room 23

For our last exploring session of term 1 Room 24 invited Room 23 over to join us. On Monday we wrote an invitation during our writing session telling Room 23 all about what we do and why play is so important. Then on Wednesday they joined us for a block of fun!

Here are some stories and photos of the fun we had!

The boys really loved playing with the dinosaurs. There was lots of talking about what the dinosaurs were doing and lots of laughter! 


Today we set up two different art tables. Neither table had actual bushes, instead at one table the children were using natural things like leaves, twigs and grass. At the other table we had ear buds. Some beautiful creations were made.

The imagination room proved popular with the Room 23 girls today. They got out all the different imagination toys and the tent.

The sandpit was also popular. The children worked together to create potions, volcanoes and mountains. 


Ninjas came to our exploring day today. Ninjas which then turned into parkour runners. Room 23 looked on with interest as the Room 24 boys ran, jumped and leapt around the playground.

We set up the camping equipment today. It was great to see Lupe and the girls from Room 23 creating yummy camp fire dinners for us. 

Finally Room 23 boys found the blocks and created a town and carpark while playing with the cars. 

It was so fun having Room 23 come over for the day and we hope to do it again soon!