Sunday, 30 June 2019

Sistema performance

On Friday afternoon several of the children in Room 24 performed in Otara Town centre for Sistema Otara. Here are some videos.

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Art exhibition

Room 24 have created animals that live in Peru. First we needed to research which animals come from Peru.
We discovered that Peru has many different animals, many of which live in the Amazon Rainforest. We liked Jaguars, snakes, sloths, macaws, llamas and Andean mountain cats.
Once the children choose their favourite creature we created our base sculpture.

We used tinfoil, packing peanuts, polystyrene balls, cardboard rolls and wire.

Lots of laughter and lots of perseverance went into making our sculptures.

Our next step was to paper mache over the top of the base sculptures. The glue felt slimy and gross!
We needed to do three layers of paper. 1 newspaper and 2 tissue layers.

Once the paper Mache was dry we painted a couple of layers of the base colour of paint. Then we added the different colours and extras like whiskers and eyes.

During our learning about Peru and its animals we learnt some very interesting facts.

Did you know…

3 toed sloths are the slowest land mammal in the world!

2 toed sloths are nocturnal (they come out at night time)

The jaguar is the third largest cat species in the world!

The jaguar’s fur is covered with rosettes for camouflage in the soft, dappled light of it’s forest habitat.

A jaguar’s spots are as individual as a fingerprint. No jaguar is the same!

Llamas are a part of the camel family.

A llama’s wool is very soft, light, warm and water repellent.

Watch out – when a llama is angry it will spit! 

Here are the finished products.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Animals from Peru

This week Room 24 are learning about the animal they are making for our art exhibition. They need to find out facts and then create a poster about their creature. Here is some information about our animals.

The children needed to find out...
1. What they eat?
2. Where they live?
3. What do they look like?
4. Who are their predators?
4. Did you know or interesting facts?

For everyone - rainforest





Andean mountain cats