Monday, 18 November 2019

Maths weekly challenge

Usually during our weekly maths rotation Room 24 children do a weekly challenge of basic facts and word problems. This term Mrs Fulford is trying something a little different. She has set a few different challenges and asked us to solve them using class equipment or construction material.
Here is one that children loved...


The herbivores need to escape to the next island to get away from the TRex. What can you create to help them?

At the start of the week we talked about what we knew about dinosaurs. Joseph was our expert and explained the difference between herbivores (plant eaters)and carnivores (meat eaters like a TRex) We also talked about ideas we had around how to transport/help the herbivores. We had ideas like a bridges, boats, a car which turns into a boat and planes. Here are some photos of what the children created.

We also had great looking bridges with guards, control doors and one which worked on weight so the TRex would fall because he was so much heavier than the smaller herbivores.