Play based learning

When you ask your child "what did you do at school today?" And their answer is "I played." Please know that this is what they are really telling you is ..."I learnt so many new things today and I had fun!'

Many people think that play is simply the term given to children mucking around. Play is how a child learns about risk, problem solving, consequences and getting along with others. There is so much research into the benefits of play and how it helps childrens development and mental health. 

The Real Play Coalition says "Research shows that play is vital to a child’s development, equipping them with the skills necessary to tackle humanity’s future, such as emotional intelligence, creativity and problem solving. To be a superhero is to lead; to host a teddy for tea is to organise; to build a fort is to innovate: to play is to learn."
Every Tuesday Room 24 are having a block of time to explore and play (as well as integrating it into our daily programme) This is a time to explore, try new things and learn vital skills like ... 
self-management, sharing, negotiating  and collaboration. 

Here are some things to help you understand the importance of what we do during this time.

The Importance of Play

On facebook - 
Brainwave trust
Nathan Wallis
Longworth Education
The real play coalition

While we play we build super learner skills. These are based on our key competencies from of curriculum document.

Keys to super room 24 learner
Key competencies

Managing self/participating and contributing
Being reflective
Looking after themselves and others
Being collaborative
Being communicators
Persevere and never give up
Being risk takers
Being reflective
Being thinkers and inquirers
Being able to persevere
Being able to make plans and set goals
Share ideas
Being reflective
Being thinkers and inquirers
Being communicators
Being collaborative
Being reflective
Being thinkers and inquirers
Ask questions
Being reflective
Being thinkers and inquirers
Being communicators
Being risk takers
Being communicators
Being reflective
Being nurtured in their personal development
Work together/collaboratively
Being collaborative
Being able to persevere
Being communicators
Being thinkers and inquirers
Be respectful
Looking after themselves and others
Being nurtured in their personal development
Taking care of their things and the environment
Here is a link for ideas for parents about developing key competencies at home.

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