Monday, 25 March 2019

Term 1 week 9 2019

What a crazy week!
Between sickness and other stuff happening Room 24 has had a great but super busy week. This week Mrs Fulford is going on a trip to visit other schools that run play based learning environments. She is going so she can get great ideas to use in our class. This week Mrs MacJames is running our exploring day. YAY!
Therefore instead of our usual exploring day photos and stories, here are some from our week instead. 

Maths - this week the dragons were showing us what super learners do...practise! Here are some photos of Joseph and Leeroy practising their numbers to 100.

Fun Thursday - On Thursday afternoon half of our class have sistema so the extra of us have a little bit of exploring time under the oak tree. Here are photos from this week. 

Tekau wrote messages of love for 
the people of Christchurch.

 Some of the boys used the blocks to create ships. One of them was even the titanic trying to escape from the giant iceberg.

Some of the children used the whiteboards to tell stories to one another. Charlie was telling a story he learnt in Sunday School. Joseph was a Pirate Captain and lucky Mrs Fulford was one of his crew mates. Hayleigh drew pictures and wrote letters.

Cricket - On Thursday we had cricket with Papatoetoe Cricket Club. Coach Luke let us play a game of non-stop cricket. Here is a video of it...

Duffy Kid- At Friday’s assembly Makaira received the Room 24 Duffy book for the week. He has been focussed and making heaps of effort in maths.               
What a super learner!

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