Tuesday 10 September 2019

Maori Language Week

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa. Greetings to you all. It is Te wiki o te reo Maori. 

Kia kaha te reo Maori is the theme for this year's Maori Language Week.

This week we are going to learn new songs, try new language and use poi and rakau sticks. 

Here are some videos and resources we will use.



This week we are learning the chicken dance in maori to perform for our final assembly on Thursday with R12. Here are the lyrics
Kapu kapu ringaringa, pakipaki parirau, whatiwhati hope
kapukapu ringaringa, pakipaki parirau, whatiwhati hope
ka hurihuri huri maui, ka hurihuri matou e
ka hurihuri huri maui, ka huri huri matau e 

Although it is in english you can hear the tune.

Come and practise your Te Reo

Who is in your whanau?

He aha te wa? - What is the time?

Kei te haere koe ki hea? - Where are you going?

Now for a challenge...

If you want to learn more check out Waiata Mai on Youtube or digital dialetics.

Now here is something to move to...

Lastly Six Sixty have released a Te Reo version of their song "Don't forget your roots". We think it is our new fav...

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