Saturday, 9 February 2019

Exploring Tuesday

Every Tuesday Room 24 are going to be having an exploring afternoon. Mrs Fulford has been doing lots of learning around play-based learning. This comes from Real Play Coalition - Research shows that play is vital to a child’s development, equipping them with the skills necessary to tackle humanity’s future, such as emotional intelligence, creativity and problem solving. To be a superhero is to lead; to host a teddy for tea is to organise; to build a fort is to innovate: to play is to learn.

This year we are going to do it as a way of improving our oral language as well as developing our key competencies like sharing, turn taking, listening, thinking, and working collaboratively.
Our first Tuesday was a great success. Before we started, we discussed a couple of rules (have fun/be respectful of other classes near us) Mrs Fulford showed us the different activities we could do and then we were off. Lots of exploring, discovering and laughter!
When we were finished, we came back to the mat and shared what we had done with a buddy, then we walked and talked with a new buddy. After our walk and talk, we went back to the mat and shared with Mrs Fulford. Lots of great ideas and language was shared. Our new words we learnt were …

Evade - Makaira and Leeroy had to evade the crocodiles and sharks in the river they created.
Explorer – Zhane, Quanitah and Azaelea were explorers in the jungle and built a fort with a sheet and string.
Galaxy – Dayton was painting a galaxy filled with stars and planets.

Predator – Joseph and Charlie were playing with the dinosaurs and the T-Rex was a predator.

Quanitah is baking cupcakes.

Watch out for those crocodiles boys!


Here is the start of Dayton's galaxy.

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