Monday, 18 February 2019

Room 24 to the rescue!

This week our writing was about the firefighter and the kitten. We watched a go-pro clip and then pretended we were the firefighter. Our goal in our writing this week was to start with a hook. Our stories were so cool!
Here is the video and a few of our stories. 

Fire fighter Azaelea saves the day.

STOMP! STOMP! STOMP went my feet when I went into the burning home. Me and my buddy carefully walked onto the hot floor. It was a hot day outside but it was even hotter inside. I took out my torch and looked around the room. Suddenly I saw a little tiny kitten curled up on the ground. Me and buddy ran like cheetahs out of that house to try and save this poor little kitten. I felt heart broken. I grabbed the oxygen and I took my soft glove off. I put the oxygen on the tiny little kitten. Then the kitten meowed! I was full of joy!

By Azaelea

Fire fighter Seiaemoe saves the day.

Wee-woo-wee-woo went the fire truck siren. Me and my buddy went into the burning house. It was a sunny day and we saw smoke. We knew this day shouldn’t be happening! When we went in we could not see inside the house so we got out the torch and flicked it on. When I flicked the bright torch on I saw toys all over the ground. Suddenly I saw the lifeless kitten. My insides were shaking like an earthquake! I whispered to my buddy “I am going outside to make this kitten live!” I rushed outside like a tiger running. I got out the oxygen and gently put it on to it’s mouth. I saw it breathing like it was blowing up a balloon. I told myself “PLEASE … make this cat alive”. So I waited and waited. Suddenly I saw the legs move! The cat’s head lifted up and I heard the cat say “MEeeooow!” I felt so proud of myself. I grabbed the kitten gently and put it on my glove and then I put it on my soft, cozy shirt. I was so grateful.

By Seiaemoe

Fire fighter Makaira saves the day.

Wee-woo-wee-woo went the fire siren. I walked into the house. I smelt smoke inside the house. I saw a dead kitten on the floor. I took it outside. I put the oxygen mask on the cat and I heard the cat say “MEOW!” I felt happy because I saved the kitten.

By Makaira

Fire fighter Mercy saves the day.

Wee-woo-wee-woo went the fire truck siren. Me and my buddy jumped out of the truck and we went into the burning house. We were at the woman’s burning house. I zoomed into the house as fast as Rainbow Dash. I shone my torch because it was dark as the pitch black night. I saw pink shredded paper on the floor and suddenly… I saw a stuffed toy. “Ha ha ha!” I laughed but when I picked up the toy my heart was broken. It was a real cat. “I definitely regret laughing” I said to myself in a little voice. I dashed outside with my buddy as quick as I could because I really wanted the cat to come alive. I opened the fire truck door and laid the kitten on my glove. I grabbed the oxygen mask and put it on his mouth. I knew it was so small so instead of using a towel I put a flannel on it. I poured a little bit of water on this cute, grey kitten. I lifted it up as gently as I could. Suddenly something amazing happened…it actually came alive! I felt so happy and also proud of myself. The cat gave a little meow which was 'thank you' in cat language.

By Mercy

Fire fighter Kalahata saves the day.

Wee-woo-wee-woo went the fire truck. Someone ran into the truck and put on the bell so the people knew. I ran to the truck. There was a fire at a house. I went inside the house and I saw a dead kitten and then … I got some water and oxygen. I was happy because the cat was alive!

By Kalahata

Fire fighter Lila saves the day.

One sunny, hot day there was a burning house. I ran into the house. I saw the kitten on the floor and my siren came on “WEE-WOO-Weeee-woooo!” it screamed. I took the cat outside. I smelt smoke. I felt sad and I saw the cat’s smoky fur. I thought the cat was dead. I put the oxygen and the water on her. She said “Meow!” I felt happy when she was alive.

By Lila

Fire fighter Charlie saves the day.

Wee-woo-wee-woo went the fire siren. I walked inside the burning home with my buddy on a sunny day. We saw a cat on the ground so we carefully picked it up. We put the oxygen on her and then the water on her. The cat looked like a brown fluffy pillow. I felt glad that it was alive. It said “Meeow!”
I carefully picked her up and put her in front of me for a cuddle.

By Charlie

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