Thursday, 30 May 2019


This year for our art exhibition each class needed to choose a country and make a piece of art inspired by that country. Room 24 are going to make 3D animals from Peru.
Here is some interesting things about Peru…

Flag of Peru (state).svg

Peruvian flag

Animals of Peru

Food of Peru

Music of Peru


Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Samoan Language week

Samoa Language Week
Talofa Lava! 
Vaiaso o le Gagana  Sāmoa - Samoa Language Week is being held from Sunday 26 May – Saturday 1 June 2019. 
Our theme for this year is: ‘Lalaga le si’osi’omaga mo se lumana’i manuia’ - ‘Weave an environment for a better future’.

This week we sang songs, learnt greetings, printed tapa, made lei and celebrated by wearing our cultural finery.
Here are some photos and video of things we learnt or did.

Moe moe pepe was our poem of the week - Here are Avril and Giovanna singing it for us.

Here is the greeting in Samoan

Here is the song we learnt for our Samoan Language assembly on Friday.

Here is a cool link for activities you can do to learn the samoan language.


Another cool video another learning this beautiful language.

Here are some photos from our exploring day...

Friday was our cultural mufti day

Monday, 27 May 2019

Exploring and Samoan Language week

Talofa lava!

What a great day we had exploring today. The children in Room 24 and Room 25 had a blast!
This week is Samoan Language week so we included some provocations (inspiration) around the samoan culture.

Tapa and art prints – Some of the children used paint and pre-cut sponges to create beuatiful art work today. We used some images of tapa to inspire us. Here are some of the tapa or siapo images we found.

Image result for samoan tapaImage result for samoan tapa

 Here are some of the paintings the children created...

Lei - Today some of the children made leis using cupcake cups, straws and wool. They looked very cool. Some of the children were inspired to used the equipment to make beautiful island flowers like Shardaye who created a hibiscus flower.

Foosball and construction - Today the weather was horrible - lots of rain and wind. We knew in the morning that we would be stuck inside which didn't make Levi very happy. He wanted to get outside and practise his soccer skills. So Mrs Fulford suggested that he create a foosball game (he he couldn't play the real thing at least that would still be fun) We found an image for Levi and he was off. It also inspired Tekau and other children too. Lots of cool construction was going on. Boats were also still very popular. 

Image result for foosball



Alyssia made a bed boat so you could sleep and float!


Harlym made a tank with room for everyone. Mrs Fulford thought it was very cool but suggested that it needed wheels to move around. Harlym went straight back to work and made some cool looking tank wheels (we learnt after that these wheels are called continuous track)

Gods of Olympia - As part of Room 25's learning the boys got very excited about becoming their favourite Grecian God. We had ...
Zeus - boss of all the gods
Poseidon - God of the sea
Hades - God of the wealth and riches
Ares -  God of war
Hermes - the trickster and messenger of the gods.


Leaf boats - Today at reading time Joseph and Sarah read The leaf Boats.
 Image result for the leaf boats

We used this as inspiration to make our our (especially since it is autumn and there are hundreds of leafs all over our school. The children created their our leaf boats and tested them out. Tekau found that his hole in the middle was to big so he problem solved and used the hot glue gun to cover the hole. Great idea! Quanitah worked really hard to figure out a way to sail the leaf boat so that it did not tip and let water on board. She was so excited when she figured it out.

Samoan food and playdough - Today some of the children were at the playdough table creating delicious meals for their teachers. Seiaemoe and Olivia made Mrs Fulford's favourite - panikeke and palusami. They also made some supa sui too! Yum Yum girls! 

When the girls moved on Tekau and Dayton came over to make the most terrifying monsters they could. 

Drawing - several of the boys were very focused on creating beautiful drawings today. Makaira spent his whole time doing a very intricate pattern which he still needs to finish. His plan is to vivid and then paint with bright colours.


Other exploring...