What a great day!
Today Room 25 joined us again. We will be working
together for the rest of the term (and maybe more)
Mrs Fulford and Mrs Martin noticed that even
though there were almost 50 children in Room 24 and 25 today, everyone was
engaged, focused and very respectful about noise and other classes. Well done!
Mrs Fulford noticed how eager Room 25 were this
week. Last week everything had been so new and exciting but this week she heard
lots of talking and saw lots of children working together.
Blanket fort – Today we put the sheets, table
cloths, pegs, long sticks and chairs out under the oak tree. Mrs Fulford and
Michael worked together to start making a blanket fort. (Mrs Fulford helped
while Michael directed) However once the idea was off the ground, other
children came over to see and Mrs Fulford stood back. Michael and several other
boys build a tent/fort using the equipment however there was a slight problem.
It was super windy today so…Mrs Fulford suggested taking it back inside and
building one there on the mat. Off went the boys with the equipment and huge
smiles. They worked together to create a huge tent/fort, adding rooms and even
a kitchen. At one point there were about 10 children inside the fort. Mrs
Fulford stood outside listening to the amazing conversations about what they
were doing and what they imagined was happening. Here are some photos…
Rugby teams - Today Mrs Fulford gave the children the idea of thinking up a new game on the field with balls. The children needed to think about rules and how to play. Although this challenge was not taken up, a bunch of the boys decided to create their own teams and challenge each other to a game of rugby. After a discussion with Mrs Fulford after first starting the boys realised that they needed to change to league instead as BMPS has a no tackle rule unless with a coach. So the boys formed two teams (Sharks and All Blacks) and set off to play. It was really great to see their game. They followed the rules, worked collaboratively with their team mates and negotiated with the other team about different issues. Good work boys!
Mother's Day - Today there was lots of creation in aid of Mother's Day this Sunday. Some children painted, some used construction and some used the arts and craft equipment. Lots of children talked about their mum/aunties and grandmas as they worked. We have some pretty special ladies out there!
Mr Martin - Today was Mr Martin's 30th birthday and middle school had treated him to a special hui this morning. During exploring time he was extra spoilt by Pele, Rose and Starlite who made him cards, treats and even a playdough birthday cake. Pele made him some special sweet rolls she had seen on tv. Watch the video of her explaining what went into them. Happy Birthday Mr Martin, we hope you had a great day!
Although we didn't get a photo of it today (Mrs F was a bit slow)
Babylon was racing cars down the slide. He was very excited when all three cars
lined up perfectly at the bottom after going down the slide!
Today the boys at the cars had a problem...the wind! So they problem solved by using building equipment and the wheelie bins to hold the race track down.
Good thinking and problem solving!
This is the boat that Charlie made. It has boosters at the back to back it go faster!
Measurement – this week Room 24 have been learning
about measurement (check out our other post about cars, trucks and things)
Today Mrs Fulford put the trundle wheels out and some children decide to
measure different things around our school like the perimetre of the field
(that is the outside edge of the field) Here are some of the children using the wheels...
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