Thursday, 1 August 2019


This term has started really well but super busy. This term we introduced some new activities to our exploring day. Carpentry table, dress ups and tinkering box.
The carpentry table was donated by Kings College and we are definitely making the most of it, however this means that Mrs Fulford and her camera do not get to go and explore our learning. Here are some photos from the last few weeks of exploring.

Carpentry table - We were so excited when Mr Lester from Kings dropped off our new carpentry table. Mrs Fulford rushed out and brought some tools for us. In our tool box are some hammers, nails, saws, drills, a level, sandpaper and of course safety glasses. Mr Lester also dropped off a load of off-cuts for us too. Mrs Fulford was so impressed with us. All the children who have used this table have listened carefully and followed the safety instructions for the tools. Mrs Fulford showed them how to hammer a nail and most children needed no more help than that. Some have made housed and boxes. Simote made a castle!

The children who have tried their hand at carpentry so far have developed skills like ...
showing perseverance, being risk takers, being reflective, being thinkers and inquirers, being able to make plans and set goals, being communicators and finally negotiating!





Tinkering box - Mrs Fulford has been doing some investigating and learning around play based learning. She read about tinkering boxes. These are boxes in which you have some tools and some old unusable electrical equipment (with the plug cut off)The children are able to use the tools like screwdrivers to open up the equipment and see how it works. Dayton, Rose and Fayth have particularly enjoyed this new activity. Dayton is born for demo! His plan is to use some of the piece like wires and springs from the tinker box along with the box he made at the carpentry table to create a time machine. What an imagination - we love it!


Musical instruments - we have a new box for exploring which is very popular. The music box. Room 24 are obsessed with the band Walk off the earth who re-create popular songs only using household objects, simple instruments and their voices. Here is a link of one of their videos. 

We have been trying to create our own musical magic!


Dress up box - Mrs Fulford has been shopping up a storm. Hayleigh in Room 24 had one wish for her birthday - a dress up box so Mrs Fulford went to the shops and then cleaned out her wardrobe to make a dress up box for exploring. It is definitely a hit! Can you guess who Swayzee is pretending to be?


Playdough table - in holidays Mrs Fulford found a cool playdough set to add to our playdough table. She made some yummy raspberry smelling playdough in week one and our creative juices started flowing. Here is one crazy creation.


Here are some other photos of the fun!


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