Saturday 27 April 2019

Exploring time with Room 23

For our last exploring session of term 1 Room 24 invited Room 23 over to join us. On Monday we wrote an invitation during our writing session telling Room 23 all about what we do and why play is so important. Then on Wednesday they joined us for a block of fun!

Here are some stories and photos of the fun we had!

The boys really loved playing with the dinosaurs. There was lots of talking about what the dinosaurs were doing and lots of laughter! 


Today we set up two different art tables. Neither table had actual bushes, instead at one table the children were using natural things like leaves, twigs and grass. At the other table we had ear buds. Some beautiful creations were made.

The imagination room proved popular with the Room 23 girls today. They got out all the different imagination toys and the tent.

The sandpit was also popular. The children worked together to create potions, volcanoes and mountains. 


Ninjas came to our exploring day today. Ninjas which then turned into parkour runners. Room 23 looked on with interest as the Room 24 boys ran, jumped and leapt around the playground.

We set up the camping equipment today. It was great to see Lupe and the girls from Room 23 creating yummy camp fire dinners for us. 

Finally Room 23 boys found the blocks and created a town and carpark while playing with the cars. 

It was so fun having Room 23 come over for the day and we hope to do it again soon!

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