Thursday 1 August 2019

Cook Island language week 2019

 Kia Orana

Welcome to Cook Island Language week 2019

This week Room 24 are celebrating Cook Island language week. The theme this year is ...
 "Taku rama, taau toi: ora te Reo" - "My Torch, Your Adze: The Language Lives".

Here are some videos and websites so we can learn more. 

For our school wide celebration we are learning the Lord's prayer in cook Island maori.

The Lord’s Prayer

E to matou Metua i te ao ra,
Kia tapu toou ingoa. 
Kia tae to'ou basileia. 
Kia akono'ia toou anoano i te enua nei,
mei tei te ao katoa na. 
O mai i te kai e tau ia matou 'i teia nei ra. 
'E akakore mai i ta matou ara,
mei ia matou i akakore i ta tei ara ia matou nei. 
'Auraka e akaruke ia matou kia timata ia mai,
e akaora ra ia matou i te kino. 
Noou oki te basileia, e te mana,
e te kaka, e tuatau ua atu 


This week Room 24 are going to be learning some greetings and language as well as making some beautiful tivaevae and art during exploring time. Look out for the photos and videos.

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